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5: Where Will I Park My Van Tonight?






A diary of 12 months SOLO travel around Australia

June 11, 2019

A couple of observations of travelling solo. It would be wonderful to take photos as I'm driving along, but by the time I get a chance to stop, the scene I loved is back a few kilometres....doh!! Oh for someone in the car with me to grab the passing shot!!!

Another observation is you can't plan and drive at the same time so all bookings have to be organised before leaving for the day. With the grey nomads now settling in to QLD for the next three months, I'm told I need to book in advance and that means being organised. I've spent a few mornings this past week booking sites ahead for the next few weeks. And it's not always easy making decisions on your own....there's sooooo much to see, do and explore and it's giving me a headache🤯!!! Those travelling with another person in the car have the ability to research and make bookings while on the move, saving time for sightseeing when you reach your destination. It's a terrible first world problem, I know and I can see you all sympathising with me🤨

1st June - The Yeppoon Beachside Caravan parks had a "First day of winter sausage sizzle", which they have every year. About half the camping folk at the park are regulars that come for up to three months every year at this time and they all know each other really well. I felt like I was intruding on a private party for about 5 minutes, but I started chatting and settled in pretty quick. They're all friendly easy to talk to people. Forgot to take my phone so didn't get a photo😧

Sunday I took a trip about 40kms north to "Ferns Hideaway Resort". I'd been recommended by the Rotary group to go on the Sunday as they say it was a great restaurant, had live music and was set in a beautiful picturesque environment. They weren't wrong.

The Sandy creek was so clear the reflections looked identical to above the water

Just had to include this one as well. The reflections so clear they are creating a kaleidoscope effect

I also dropped into a pottery gallery close by and watched the potter at work. Fascinating, it made me want to get my hands moulding clay again!!

A potter in his office...under a huge mango tree.

Wow, I spent my last day in Yeppoon on Keppel Island in perfect weather. I took a ride in a glass bottom boat over the Great Barrier Reef, then jumped in the water and snorkelled amongst the coral and fish. The only way I can describe it is, it was like being in a traffic jam of fish there were so many around me. The water was crystal clear and the tour group said it was one of the best and clearest days they had experienced for some time. Lucky me!!! This was one time I wished I had an underwater camera.

The view that greeted us as we arrived on the island

Our mode of transport to get over to Keppel Island

A little pano looking north. The beach has been sandbagged at this section in recent times due to cyclone damage.

I'd had 7 nights at Yeppoon and was starting to get to know a few people and could have stayed on, but I packed up, moved on and ended up parking my van at Clairview Caravan Park around 230 kms North of Yeppoon. As I was leaving I picked up my bike at Rockhampton and when I arrived I took it for it's first ride around Clairview. I was very happy, although a fairly cheap bike it rides well and may not be so susceptible to being stolen!!! and's well and truly locked up. It now has almost as much cost in locks as the bike itself!!!

Clairview is a very small holiday settlement and the caravan park has a pub and bar as part of its camp kitchen. It's the only pub so the locals use it as well. I decided to support the local community so went to the pub for dinner. Wasn't a bad meal too.

I was able to leave my car attached as there was lots of space

After my bike ride I took a long walk on the beach. This is looking north at 3.50pm. The tide is out and the sand bars were huge

This was taken at 5.15pm looking north, north east so is the reflected sunset colours.

The drive into Mackay is quite stunning. The road for many many kilometres is lined with sugarcane fields looking very manicured like pristine gardens.  

As I passed through Sarina I took a tour of the Sarina "Sugar Shed" which is a miniature sugar mill and distillery. We were shown some original machinery, informed about the sugar cane process from planting to products and then given tastings of the cane sugar, and the rums and liqueurs.

Sugar cane cutter Anne

I booked into the BIG4 Marine Park in Mackay and parked my van then took a drive around the harbour area and bought dinner....the most amazing calamari, from the Lighthouse cafe at the Marina. My mouth salivates when I think about it now!! The following day I explored Mackay, went to the Art Gallery and the blue lagoon which is another one of Queensland's free swimming lagoon complexes.

Mackay Marina

Mackay main beach

7 June - It's's cold 🌧❄️ You'd think I was back in Albury. The locals say it is most unusual for this time of the year here in Mackay, but it's still warmer than home so I'm not complaining...😎

After packing up the the rain, I met up with one of my brothers army mates who I hadn’t seen in many years and had a coffee at the marina before heading off to Airlie Beach for 5 nights.

I parked my van at the Airlie Beach Discovery Park and booked myself in for a trip around the Whitsunday Islands to do some snorkelling for the following Monday. Currently the weather is not good with strong winds and rain and so far Monday is looking the best of a bad bunch!!! I then spent my first few days around Airlie Beach walking, resting and sightseeing the local area including visiting Cedar Creek Falls.

Cedar Creek Falls in Conway National Park...They said the water was like ice!!! I didn't swim

11th June - There's definitely a few bucket list items being ticked off at the moment...snorkelling over the Great Barrier Reef, sailing through the Whitsunday Islands (well sailing of a sort ..a motorised catamaran) and walking on Whitehaven Beach. Wow!!! Another sensational day today out on the water.

I thought doing another trip on a catamaran and snorkelling might have been doubling up a little bit on what I did at Keppel Island, but this was a completely different experience. Firstly we had quite a thrilling ride through some fairly big waves on the Thunder Cat as we crossed between the islands. I felt like I was back on the DC Hyper Rollercoaster from Warner Brothers Movie World 😱 The snorkelling was awesome 👍🤩 The coral was sensational (huge and colourful and varied) and quite different from the Keppel Island tour. I felt there was a much wider variety of fish of different shapes, sizes and colours off Keppel Island, but what we saw, here in the Whitsundays, were some amazing BIG boys. See the photo below...

Just one of the stunning scenes of Whitehaven beach from the lookout. Our guide explained that all the recent rain is draining sediment from the hills into the ocean and at low tide it makes the water green as it mixes with the sea water.

Just to prove I was there...

Following are more Whitsunday photos....just 'cos it's an amazing place

Walking the beach

I'm walking on the almost pure silica sand. Like walking in flour!!!

This driftwood tree is the most popular instagram place for photographs on Whitehaven beach. As I don't like selfie's I thought I'd just include it in a photo and I might post it to instagram!  

Not having an underwater camera, I stole this from the internet so you could see who I met under water. Meet the gentle giant, "George" the Blue Tooth Groper (Humphead Maori Wrasse). He would have been at least a metre in length and we came face to face a few times.

Now there is good news and bad news associated with this tour. I did leave a souvenir or two on Whitehaven Beach.... unintentionally!! and it was a big dampener to the day and quite an expensive one at that!!! My "fit bit" watch fell off somewhere walking along Whitehaven Beach and even though I retraced steps for quite some time it didn’t turn up so I have left behind a time capsule for the stingrays to chew on when the tide comes in... doh!!! And there were lots of feathertail stingrays to be seen.
Then later in the day I noticed one of my good earrings missing... probably flipped off when putting on a snorkel mask!! As I said an expensive day 😭 Lesson learned...Leave the Fitbit & earrings at home next time😰Oh for foresight instead of hindsight!!

All in all, although bitterly disappointed with my losses, the day was an amazing experience.

Oh..and I also met a lovely young Irish couple Brendan and Rosie. If you’re reading this guys, I hope you’re having a great trip and continuing to enjoy the east coast of Australia.

I've got a couple of friends flying in to join me over the next few weeks. I think I'm an excuse to get them out of the cold southern weather ❄️I can't complain about being lonely!!

June is to be continued....I'm off to do a farm stay on a sugar cane and mango farm before reaching Townsville at the end of the week. Don't forget to subscribe if you want to read about my adventures.