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Black Out Poetry

De Nova Project

June 8, 2017

I am a member of the "De Nova" Collective of artists and and each month to six weeks we meet and discuss our individual art practices and support each other. We began the group after graduating with an Advanced Diploma in Visual Arts at Riverina TAFE Albury in 2014. We often continue to challenge each other with projects to be completed before our next meeting. One such project this year was "Black Out Poetry". For anyone not familiar with Black Out Poetry, it's the process of taking a page of text (from a book, newspaper, article etc) and highlighting a few words on that page to create a poem. The idea is to create something from the text that appeals to you. The finished poem doesn't need to relate to the original meaning of the page used. Here's a couple of my attempts. The first one is called "Light". The second one is called "The Fugitive" Both pieces are from the same original text that was from a book called Red Moon. It's fun an addictive. Why not have a go and let me know your results.